Current Adult Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Study

Please join the Men of FUMC Pearland on Thursday evenings for a deep study into the book of Mark! This study promises to be thought provoking and leave space for questions and discernment. It is open to men of all levels of your discipleship journey. We will meet in the Assembly Room from 6-7pm each week.


At FUMC Pearland, we want to equip you to continue to grow in your faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus. Each semester we offer studies to help you follow Jesus, lead others to Jesus and Change the World. We have two primary types of studies available.


As Christians, we believe that the Bible is God’s word to us and the primary way in which we understand our Christian faith. Bible and Theology classes are held regularly to encourage regular study of God’s word in community with other followers of Christ.

Examples of this type of study include:
Eat this Book, Apologetics, Women’s Bible Study, etc.


We know that life is hard. At FUMC Pearland we offer gospel-centered Life Classes to help our community live their best life.

Examples of this type of study include: Financial Peace University, Love and Logic, Marriage Retreats, etc.


Sign up to be notified when new study opportunities arise.